- One year of antitrust agreements' decisions, presentation at the Paris Dauphine University "Un an de droit de la concurrence", Paris, 12th April, 2022
- Organization of, and presentation at, a conference about "One year of competition law and decisions", Paris, 10th February, 2022
- One year of antitrust agreements' decisions, presentation at the Paris Dauphine University "Un an de droit de la concurrence", Paris, 1st June, 2021
- Organization of, and presentation at, a conference about "One year of competition law and decisions", Paris, 25th March, 2021
- One year of antitrust agreements' decisions, presentation at the Paris Dauphine University "Un an de droit de la concurrence", Paris, 27th March 2020
- Organization of, and presentation at, a conference about "One year of competition law and decisions", Paris, 26th February, 2020
- Commercial relationship law, presentation at a professional federation (Fédération des Industries Mécaniques) conference, Paris, 28th November 2019
- Articulation between antitrust law and merger law, presentation at the Conference of Caen Normandy University "La systématique des contentieux concurrence en Europe", 14th/15th November, 2019
- Cross-looks on rules and practice regarding competition law in France and South America ("Regards croisés sur les règles et les pratiques en droit de la concurrence en Amérique Latine et en France/Union européenne"), presentation at a Paris Bar conference, Paris, 25th March, 2019
- Last decisions about brutal end of a commercial relationship, presentation at a Dalloz, Paris, 31st March, 2019
- Organization of, and presentation at, a conference about "One year of competition law and decisions", Paris, 13rd February, 2019
- French look at the Moroccan law on competition ("Regards français sur la loi marocaine sur la concurrence"), presentation at a Casablanca University conference, 17th January, 2019
- Organization of, and presentation at, a conference about private enforcement ("Les actions en dommages-intérêts de victimes de pratiques anticoncurrentielles : quels risques pour les entreprises ?"), Paris, 18th May, 2017
- "Standard essential patent (SEP) and competition law", presentation at the Délégation des Barreaux de France (French bar delegation) conference "European competition law: update", Brussels, 22 January 2016
- Force Majeure: how anticipate the break of the supply of raw materials, presentation at the Conference about Plasturgy of the future, Paris, 25 November 2015
- "Intellectual property and competition law: update", presentation at the Délégation des Barreaux de France (French bar delegation) conference "European competition law: update", Brussels, 14 November 2014
- Interview about the decision of the European Commission Servier of July 2014, Europolitics, 10 July 2014
- Pricing Abuses, TVDMA interview, May 2012
- Pricing Transparency, TVDMA interview, March 2012
- Reform of the Competition Authorities: What Is the New Organization, What Are Its Functions and Its Powers to Penalise? Comundi conference, 13 November 2008, Law on the Modernisation of the Economy and Commercial Relations, How To Comply by January 2009, Paris
- Commercial Negotiations, Commercial Developments, Changes from the Chatel and LME Laws, presentation at the Le Havre Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 30 September 2008
- SME - What Impacts Can You Expect on Your Commercial Practices from the Law on Modernisation of the Economy? Participation in a conference organised by the Caen Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 29 September 2008
- Reform of European Competition Law and the Role of Commercial Courts (public conference, University of Montpellier, 2003)