Legal Reviews
- Comments on a French suprem Court case law of January 2016 regarding the right for the victim of an anti-competitive practice to refer to the French Competition Authority, Revue Lamy de la concurrence, April 2016
- Comments on the ECJ Huawei case law, L'Observateur de Bruxelles, January 2016
- Compared look on ISO norm 19600:2014 and the French Competition Authority's practice as regards compliance programs, Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, December 2015
- Litigation, Competition and Health Products, "Droit des Produits de Santé: Bilan 2014", Petites Affiches, 20-21 August 2015
- Technology transfer: first regards on the new block exemption regulation, Revue Lamy de la Concurrence, juillet-septembre 2014
- Litigation, Competition and Health Products, "Droit des Produits de Santé: Bilan 2013", Petites Affiches, 12-13 August 2014
- Focus "High-Winds Warnings for (Antitrust) Agreements Between Originator and Generic Laboratories", Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation, August-September 2013
- "National Authorities Can Also Punish ‘Small’ Commercial Partnerships", commentary on the French Supreme Court decision of 16 April 2013, Expedia Inc., Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, July/August 2013
- Litigation, Competition and Health Products, "Droit des Produits de Santé: Bilan 2012", Petites Affiches, 24 July 2013
- "AstraZeneca Decision: a Step Too Far in Taking Into Account the Effects of Abuse of a Dominant Position?", Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 17 January 2013
- Focus on Drafts of Community Texts on Horizontal Agreements, Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation, August-September 2010
- Distribution Agreements: From One Regulation to Another, The Main Changes to Bear in Mind, Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, July/August 2010
- Focus "Pharmaceutical Industry Practices: of What Use is Competition Law?", Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation, May 2010
- Focus on Sector Investigation in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation, November 2009
- Internet Sales, Resales Outside the Network, Panorama of 2008 Decisions, Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 11 June 2009
- Prohibition on Discrimination after the Repeal of Article L. 442-6-1, 1° of the French Commercial Code, Concurrences no. 2-2009
- Focus on "Sector Investigation in the Pharmaceutical Industry - Impact on Intellectual Property Rights", Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation, January 2009
- Commentary on the Competition Council decision of 15 October 2008, Alpes de Haute-Provence Taxis (Cartel Through Saturation Practices), Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 22 January 2009
- Commentary on the European Court of Justice decision of 11 September 2008, CEPSA (Relations Between Principal and Agent with Respect to Competition Law), Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 4 December 2008
- Editorial on Presentation of the Modernisation of the Economy Law, Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, October 2008
- Perspectives on the Liability of Senior Executives and Employees in Connection with Anticompetitive Practices, Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 14 February 2008
- Original Drug/Generic Drug: The Hospital Pharmacist as Arbitrator of the Development of Competition: In Service of Quality, Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, January 2008
- The Relationship Between a Principal and Its Agent in Light of Article 81(1) EC: How Many Criteria?, European Competition Law Review no. 1/2008
- Commentary on the Court of First Instance decision of 17 September 2007, Akzo Nobel Chemicals/Commission Européenne (Scope and Implementation of Legal Privilege), Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 6 December 2007
- Commentary on the European Court of Justice Decision of 14 December 2006, Confederacion Espanola des Empresarios de Estaciones de Servicio/European Commission (Prices Fixed For Commercial Agents and Restraints in Parallel Trade), Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 22 June 2007
- The Pharmaceutical Industry and Competition Law Between the Present and the Future, European Competition Law Review no. 4/2007
- Commentary on the Court of First Instance Decision of 27 September 2006, GlaxoSmithKline/European Commission (Implementation of Differentiated Wholesale Prices to Fight Against Parallel Export of Drugs), Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 14 December 2006
- The Rule of Reason, Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales, October 2006
- Commentary on a decision of the Competition Council of 24 June 2006 (Scope of the Competition’s Council Jurisdiction upon Removal to the Appeals Court), Semaine Juridique Entreprises, 26 October 2006
- The Pharmaceutical Industry: Between the Present and Future, Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation, August-September 2006
- Collective Dominant Position: Towards a Unified Notion? Revue Lamy de la Concurrence, no. 3, May/July 2005 et no. 4, August/October 2005
- Updates on Community Competition Law, 1 January – 31 December 2003, Gazette du Palais of 30 July, 1 and 4 August 2004
- EC Regulation No. 1/2003: What Has Changed? Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, June 2003
- Commentary on Competition Council Decision No. 03-D-18 of 10 April 2003, Recueil des Avis et Décisions du Conseil de la Concurrence et Juridique Lamy, No. 917
- Update on Community Competition Law, November 2001 – December 2002, Gazette du Palais of 27, 28 June 2003 and 29 June, 1 July 2003